Here I've tried two different ways of putting in block black sections into panels of my comic. I tried once with ink and once with a black sharpie pen. While the ink was blacker it also varied in tone more and was a lot harder to control than the sharpie. The control was a big issue for me as I didn't want to ruin the drawing that I had already done because I placed an excess of ink on the page. I'll use a black sharpie to add a back layer to certain panels or when I want just pure black backgrounds of panels.
I also experimented with borders. I tried using sharpie for the panels but feel it clashed to much with the pen work of the rest of the panel. I also tried colouring the spaces between the panels black. While it made the page bolder I don't think it necessarily improved the page. It was also more time consuming so I wouldn't do it on every page. This would be a problem since there are a lot of comics which use a black page to connote flashbacks or other disruptions in continuity/chronology. To avoid confusion I've left the idea for now.
I've also been messing around with colour work. I didn't try full on colour because I thought it would take away from the dark atmosphere I was trying to create and it would also take away from the drug induced scenes. Due to this I tried different ways of putting in suggestions of colour. The method I thought worked the best was colouring the clothes of figures and using different tones of black ink in the background. I thought the colour added some life to the characters while the black ink tones in the background kept the dark atmosphere I like. If it wasn't for time issues and wanting to progress further on with the story I may have used this method throughout.
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